Auriga Consulting Services, Inc.


Auriga Consulting Services, Inc. is engaged in assisting small businesses with specific Business Development Support services. Since our inception in 2011, we have developed an enviable reputation for the supply of quality business support services. We help businesses improve their performance and growth by solving problems and help them to find new ways to do things better.

We help companies to do business with State and Federal entities through City/County/State level contracting Vehicles, GSA Schedules, VA Schedules, SeaPort Etc., When selling to Government is your strategy, Auriga is the team you should consider.

We support your business:

  • When you are looking to onboard your business to a government contracting vehicle
  • When you are looking to ensure the contract is in compliance and administer it to be current and active
  • When you are facing a road block in identifying a key resource
  • When you need business support right from lead generation to lead qualification support beside building any strategic teaming arrangements